Jonathan ROBIN - If Tomorrow

2014-06-17 2

If tomorrow you should wake
to find we're parted, do not take
apart each moment which was spent
within this earthly tenement.

Life's at best wait waste mistake,
where few toast bliss, from most few take,
there is no message heaven sent.
Where there's no sin who should repent?

Here now, then gone, for heaven's sake!
The seasons slip by, what may slake
Man's knowledge thirst which was not meant
as substitute for tenderment.

Where some would have and eat their cake,
there most must balance give and take,
there's little point in precedent
where all towards the grave are bent.

If then tomorrow, you awake
to find us parted, do not break
your heart, nor yet your raiment rent,
but count the moments that were lent
as music gentle, though an ache
may stay awhile, play for my sake.
Soon, like the arab, you your tent
must ground to sound the way I went.

Jonathan ROBIN