renu kakkar - Christmas Fragrance In The Air

2014-06-17 11

Christmas fragrance is in the air,
As Christmas time is very near.
Time to now to spread Christmas cheer,
Lend a helping hand or lend an ear.

I sit alone by the Christmas tree
, All are asleep so here it is only me.
There is a strange stillness in the air,
I think about my life sitting here.

Remembering Christmas's of the past,
Wondering why they passed so fast.
Not many years ago a Child was I,
Presents of mine I would gleefully spy.

Now, my children are all grown,
I am thankful that today they are home.
Christmas will come and Christmas will go,
Real presents is having them by me so.

As one moves ahead with time you see,
Spreading kindness and love is indeed free.
A smile to light up a face that is sad,
will earn you a good deed it is said.

So Merry Christmas to all of you,
Do have a lovely time please do.
Do not forget your elderly folks,
Your love and affection is all they carve.


renu kakkar