Bellaina Bella Hernandez - Lovely Bloody Blade

2014-06-17 7

Bloody blade, please make me leak
more of the blood that i seek
and to show everyone that im weak
to everything that comes at me

I tell you how much i love you
and everything that i can do
cant live without my lovely blade
dancing across such scarred up plain

Oh! Merciful blade, im forever in your debt
whatever it is, i wont be in regret
truely the best love and friend
i will be with you till the end

Dropplets of sacred blood
dripple down this lovely cut
and to make a pact
of me and my love

My soul leaves as a new one enters
but still have the same centers
and knowledge of the sacred pact

Lovely Blade that is and always mine
i will love you throughout time
as long as you do me a favor
cut my vains so i can savor
my blood, and you as my lover


Bellaina Bella Hernandez