Udaya R. Tennakoon - The New Kalladi Bridge

2014-06-17 2

(Post war in Sri Lanka, connecting the North and South of Batticaloa road, the bridge was constructed to replace the old Kalladi Bridge that was built by the British 70 years ago.)

In sounds of heavy weapons
And shot notices vibrated
Gods and Brahmas
Gradually praised
Heart of the Kalladi Bridge broken
Re- built bridge is too ling

Lumpish fishes
In fear of shot noises
Then they died my buddies
Rivers and lagoons
Overflowed with bloodies
The bridge built whereby,
Fishes without buddies

Narrow road widens,
While the hearts being parochial
Serpents compete,
While the human beings vanished
Though it could to join,
Having built a bridge
Lost the tune
In a broken and cataclysmic heart of song

Udaya R. Tennakoon


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