Before Thee
Gold is tarnishing
The earth is getting misty
The cloud is weeping rain
The eagle is becoming a sparrow
The king is bending
The poor man is building a palace
The lion is licking the lamb
The moon and the sun are eclipsing
The storm is subduing
The mountain is becoming a plain
The path is leading to a place
And I, before Thee is trembling
And I, so tiny, is praying
Devant Ta Face
L’Or se ternit
La Terre s’embrume
Le Nuage pleure ses pluies
L’Aigle se fait moineau
Le Roi courbe l’échine
Le Pauvre bâtit un palais
Le Lion lèche l’agneau
La Lune et le Soleil s’éclipsent
La Tempête s’adoucit
La Montagne devient plaine
Le Chemin aboutit au lieu
Et moi, devant Toi, je tremble
Et moi tout petit, je prie
Translated from the French by the author
Alain Ilan Braun