Harindhar Reddy - Oh, Green Ballerina - Ah Natural Delight! (Quadri-etheree Syllabic)

2014-06-17 16

(Edited Version)

Part- 1
Saw some
Tender boys
And girls swinging
On birches of the
Nature's dome, hearing its
Music - Beetles-drone, Chicks-cheep,
Geese-honk, Parrots-talk, robins-chirp,
Deers- bell, humans-scream and rabbits drum.
I can't swing as bell-buzz woke me up - boo.

Stood a
Bunyan by
Riverside where
Grandfather and my
Father played and void, now
My Son and I are toying -
Lounging to go in a transient
Life but eternal is the nature.
I can't dream as bell-buzz woke me up - boo.

Part - 2
And I played
With mom and dad
While we met under
Casuarinas. Now
Tears tumble-down as it lives
Donkey's years with branches mickles,
japing at my kin souls with doll frames.
I can't weep as bell-buzz woke me up - boo.

Tree moves
Some to tears
Of joy but for
Others, it's a green
Toy standing on the way,
Remaining eyes scarcely see
The nature, yet to the man with
Heart and soul - it is a fairyland.
I can't think as bell-buzz woke me up - boo.

Harindhar Reddy

Quadri-etheree is an experiment by using an existing syllabic form: Etheree, consists of 10 lines of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 syllables respectively. Poets generally use this form with 1 or 2 stanzas.
However, Used 4 stanzas giving it a unique form and modified the name too. (Thanks, I hope you like it.)

Inspired by Adbul Wahab's poem Agenda, I composed this)

Harindhar Reddy
