hasmukh amathalal - Scholarly Wish

2014-06-17 1

To learn more in life is scholarly wish
It may remain there till you perish
What will be more important is its proper use
What if one uses as only tool for misuse?

It is stubbornness of mind
That may lead you to find
The treasure of life and its message
Till you reach at the dead end of an age

Life can be considered as sea deep
Very sour taste and unpleasant to keep
Yet it vastness may always appeal
It is magnificent and in fact real

We may not in whole of life fully learn
Who knows at what moment it may turn?
Against or in favor to shower the fortune
You may swing in favor or out of tune

You may claim to be scholar
But it may be very slender
What you know may of little use
Not enough to convince and defuse

Nobody has understood life so far
It is like far off object twinkling like star
It may provide no light
Only we may boost and consider it right

Know little bit and try to consume
What can be real message and journey to resume?
No one may be able to predict direction in time
We may be diverted on the way many times

Think precisely in what can be true?
As no one may be assertively take you through
It will be journey fully controlled by an individual
Whether he leads simple life or that of dual person

hasmukh amathalal
