Alade Abayomi IdrisWhite - WE ARE POETS

2014-06-17 59

We are poets
User of verse and rhyme
With nightingale throat
That sink song deep
The deaf ears of a bully
Angelic hand that write
On wall before bad king.

We are poets
We are eyes of our country
Mender of our world
Individually we sing
In group we are heard
We write on winds
People catch cold
We write on water
It cleanse body soul and mind
We write on sun
The world receive new light
On moon
Sweet dream of morrow kill despondency
Like stars we sparkle
In the sky people look up to.

We are poets
We are God chosen
To path sea with our pen
For innocent people to pass
And with pen
Immerse oppressors in their oppression.

We are poets
We clad love in best cloth
Beat drum for heart to dance
Its rare jocund dance
And give life to people's actions
In their importance.

We are poets
We live with our work
Our voice remain audible
Even as air finish in our lungs
And our throat rot away
We dwell everywhere
And in beautiful heart of men.

We are poets
We spy the world
At night and day
We write from our eyes
And take to our only home

Alade Abayomi IdrisWhite