nimal dunuhinga - Please do not search the pedigree of a 'Humane' stray dog!

2014-06-17 9

Stray dog or stray dogs may refer to:


Any sort of feral dog such as free-ranging urban dogs or canines without owners running lose in rural areas or around villages or small communities
Pariah dog, a specific type of feral dog
Any unfettered dog without ownership or a permanent home

If you want to say a Dalmatian
Paint the dark sopts with a felt pen!
If you want a bushy tail
You can paste it
As the previous joint is there if you touch?
But leave as it is!
Do not worry about a soft pillow or a brass kennel
It used to the concrete floor
And if you give it an Oxtail soup
Once in a blue moon
A Vitamin B12 injection,
It'll be tougher than the Devil?
But the ideal thing is give it the right partner in time,
And it will be the one Master dog forever!
(If you touch it's mild heart definitely you hear 'please do not chain me as I too like freedom! ')

* To Ivan S.Turganev's 'MUMU' gratitude!

[In one of the outlying streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns and a balcony, warped all askew, there was once living a lady, a widow, surrounded by a numerous household of serfs. Her sons were in the government service at Petersburg; her daughters were married; she went out very little, and in solitude lived through the last years of her miserly and dreary old age. Her day, a joyless and gloomy day, had long been over; but the evening of her life was blacker than night........]

nimal dunuhinga