Rajita Kurup - Remembrances

2014-06-17 3

From the vast number of words that you spoke,
am recollecting the ones which relate to me
And I treasure those verses which formed my guide

From the many moments I spent with you,
am sorting the ones which connect to me
And I revere the ones when you were my teller of tales

From the many travels we had together,
am thinking about the ones when you escorted me
And I relish the ones when holding your fingers I toddled

From the many lessons that you taught,
am searching the ones which still steer me
And am surprised, I require them all

The poems that I write emanated from you
The stories that I weave sprang out from you
The principles that I follow are inspired by you
The life that am living is gifted by you

Though I see you around every time I look for you
But I fail to find you around when I try to hold those fingers again
Aghast when I look around, that mystic smile consoles me then;
And I rest assured to meet you again…

(16 July 2011)

Rajita Kurup
