David Whalen - Random opinions and ruminations

2014-06-17 1

I believe that…

Parents greatly overestimate their importance.
Things ripple
Lovers lie… (a lot!)
When a man philosophizes a lot, he’s covering something up
Life has a way of shrinking a man
Everyone has regrets
Hormones make us all do stupid things
If you’ve not screwed up…you haven’t lived
We all have scars, torments and ghosts
Smiles beget haloes and beget smiles in return
Some people smile like a frightened lemur
Old men and women bicker… happily (usually)
The greatest wealth lives in happy memories
Sadness can be freely given…while
Happiness must be earned
Every person pays for sex in the end
One can savor the flavor of being alone
The ugliest truth be better than the prettiest of lies
Years need be not friend or enemy
Not all winds are fresh…
Nor all sea breezes briny
Some people’s beauty takes one’s breath away…
And others are uglier than a monkey’s heinie
These are enough for now
It’s time to take a nap!

David Whalen
