On flipping back the pages of time,
Coming back to life with a chime,
Are lots of distant blurs and shadows
Imprints of past on life’s meadows.
Flooding the visions of inner eye
The pearl of memories- oh! you lie.
Emotions are all flying high,
Often invoking a deep sigh.
Sweetness of mother’s smiling face
Joy from friends, a triumphant phase
Tinge of crimson out of love
Warmth of all those so close now.
Pain of all that you had lost
Pang in heart that grieved you the most
Embarrassments that made you cling
Dread too passes, a fearful string.
Endless in count the pictures scatter,
Just as rain says pitter and patter.
Remembrance of what life impart
Lessons and events deep in heart.
Only ones to link you to the past
They sprout gone-by days in you fast.
Marking of ages- oh! memories-
Minds reflect, to dissolve in your breeze.
Rich are all with memories in them
Handful, piles, and heaps of them.
Gems of heart that leave you never
Treasures of life they are forever.
Maria Rose Dominic