Reyvrex Questor Reyes - Love Sonnet 150: 'Now, out with your tambourines, greet the dawn'

2014-06-17 3

Now, out with your tambourines, greet the dawn,
The sun glows sweet, after a pitch dark night,
While tossed, aimless, at sea, to shore she's drawn,
And sweet waif's sail, billows brightly in sight:
Lower the planks, connect with love to dock,
Let lilies bloom, now they have reason to,
Then play the song that black curtains can't block,
Roll up the shades, bid all the gloom to go:
Bring out Euphoria, enough to go around,
Don't understate your mirth, as Spring now starts,
For once, this joy was lost, but now is found,
All for this sweetly, prodigal of hearts:
.....Rejoice, that though how oft it went to roam,
.....It found no roost until it came back home.

Reyvrex Questor Reyes