Maurice Harris - A Heart's Metamorphosis (gain from my strength)

2014-06-17 0

A fragile, weary heart, gives way to the indefatigable power of love;
As though Divine Providence, from the Heavens above,
I was literally reborn-into the loving embrace
Of an Angel, who comforted this haggard soul, in search only, of solace;
No one else, but I, could take their place, amongst the chosen-
Where the erstwhile ravages that time bestows, are frozen,
Then reversed, in a most miraculous fashion;
This is an enigmatic truism that defies any attempt at logic or ration.
I but know of its resplendent reality,
Because I am a product of this causality:
Heaven itself may be envisaged in her angelic eyes-
Yet, I too, was afeared, until I began to realize
That resistance of any kind, to this beneficence
Is futile, so I offer infinite thanks, and a most humble acceptance!

-Maurice Harris,1 December 2011

Maurice Harris