If I Must Die Tomorrow...
If I must die tomorrow
God, let it be for fighting discrimination
And injustice
Let it be for the love of my people
Let it be for the pride of my people
Let it be for my contributions
To Peace
And to a good and just cause
Because, because
My blood is too precious to be shed
For nonsense
And indifference
My tears are too valuable to be shed
For callousness
And divisiveness.
If I must die tomorrow
Ladies and Gentlemen
Have no sorrow
Because I am a very proud man.
If I must die tomorrow
Let it be for fighting for Freedom and Liberty
Let it be for defeating ignorance and nonsense
Let it be for injecting wisdom and intelligence
Deep inside the brain of my people
Let it be for voting first at the poll
Le it be for cursing at Oppression
Let it be for leading the blind in the right direction.
Most of us have eyes that can’t see
Most of us have nose that can’t smell
Most of us have ears that cannot hear
Neither the drums of Liberty nor the bells of Freedom.
If I must die tomorrow
God, let my last breath blends
With the autumnal winds
For the true pride of my ancestors.
Most of us have eyes that can’t see
Most of us have nose that can’t smell
Most of us have ears that cannot hear
Neither the drums of Liberty nor the bells of Freedom.
If I must die tomorrow
Ladies and Gentlemen
Have no sorrow
Because I die fighting like a proud man.
Copyright© October 17,2006, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several poetry books:
‘Etincelles de l’Amour’, ‘Monts et Vallées de l’Amour’,
‘Sparkles of Love’ and ‘Mounts and Valleys of Love’
https: //www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx? bookid=58359
http: //www.poemhunter.com/hebert-logerie/
Hebert Logerie