You cant see me, my time's now
You can't reach me, my time's now
Everyone wants to melt me, my time's now
See av got so much talents, my time's now
Av got to show them, my time's now
Later can be never, my time's now
Av got things to do, my time's now
Things to do to make greatness, my time's now
Never think to go backwards, your time's now
Me steady go higher, my time's now
Rise up and give them what they want, your time's now
Never sit back, your time's now
A lazy man eats nothing, wake up now
You can do it, your time's now
Make yourself stronger, your time's now
Dont let them draw you back, your time's now
Aim for the high, your time's now
Am in pursuit of my future, my time's now
Moving radically, my time's now........
izuchukwu lucius