It keeps my house activated,
Like ripe pepper on the tongue of a novice
It moves from place to place, in corners of my house
Chasing the rats and even astray marmots,
Making a sharp halt at my heel, as it jumps high to salute me,
Resuming back to its hunt, chasing the house mouse
In funny movements of a joking hunter,
It takes hold of the prey and leave free
Without sinking its lethal fangs it the soft muscles
Of the panicking back of desperate prey
Now in the tight grip of its mandibles,
It wags its tail and screams loudly, threatening the prey
To repeat the deadly fun, the freed prey knows not,
Dives of running for freedom, thanking innocent gods
For the escape not knowing the power in the mercy
Of my lengthy and muscular black mamba snake,
The harmless ornament of my house made it so.
alexander opicho