Aftab Alam - I must burn like a holy candle

2014-06-17 2

Drip- drip- drip falling the ugly drops
Within me in my holy lovely heart
Though I ‘m sleeping but I’m alert
Brisk darkness within me why crops?

What fear and fret that always ties me
O heaven! Please Unguided guide me
What eyes clasp, why mind faith not?
What this cold crept in on my bed hot?

O death! Beyond, beyond death I’m dying
What I was to buy here and what I’m buying?
How I’ll show my face to thee when I’ll back
With this palsied thought, humanity I will lack

I am not calling for help, nay; I will do never
Lord, need thy courage, the courage forever
Need patience, I must burn like a holy candle
To show the path, to lost, into the darkest jungle.

Aftab Alam