Ruth Walters - Marriage

2014-06-17 2

Marriage for Esme began as a wide open room
with windows that let in the sunshine
and curtains so light and airy
they floated on the breeze.

Her husband's blue eyes would sparkle
with just a hint of mischief
and fun that they intrigued her,
made him special.

Then in the second year on her birthday
it seemed the room had grown dusty,
the curtains seemed dull,
the windows small.

And in the third year, without a doubt
the sun had gone down on her
and the room held a chill
like her aching heart.

By the fifth year, she'd aged,
her eyes had shadows, her skin had paled
and the room seemed small
with no windows at all.

She had shriveled, was withdrawn,
she'd sit in the corner of the room humming,
rocking back and forth, back and forth,
back and forth........

Ruth Walters