Christine A Kysely - Running In High Heels

2014-06-17 14

Elevated beyond belief
To the sky and through the clouds
To think above the mists
Of normal everyday confusion.

What to eat
What to wear
How do I look
Who really cares.

What to do next
Where do I go
What do I create
How do I know

Which pair of heels
Which ones should I wear
The ones that are serious
Or the one's that say 'I dare'.

Should I put on my brand new ones
The ones that no one's ever seen
Or should I wear my old ones
Old friends that love my feet.

I am running in High Heels
That is what I do
I try to keep my balance
I try and keep my groove.

I try to stay grounded
Keep my feet upon the ground
Try to avoid the many puddles of life
Really try to avoid the pond.

Step by Step my High Heels take me
Ever further still
They are how I am going to get there
They'll take me where I am going to be.

It isn't always easy
To run in these high heels.
But I wouldn't have it any other way
I keep running by sheer force of will.

(January 9,2011 Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

Christine A Kysely