Denis Martindale - The Soul Snatcher!

2014-06-16 4

When I awoke from midnight sleep,
I heard a rustling creature creep
And on my bed, its vigil keep,
Till my eyes opened wide...
I saw the demon crawl around,
Regardless of its stirring sound,
As if by fear it wasn't bound
And saw no cause to hide...
So there we were, now both awake,
With me amazed, for goodness sake
And my weak heart began to ache
And beat so fast inside...
'Hello, old soul, I'm here to trade!
I know from righteousness you've strayed,
But I've a deal that could be made,
A contract to abide...'
'My soul is mine and mine alone,
Not even God my soul could own,
Yet while God rules upon His throne,
I'll trust in Christ who died...'

'But I can grant so many things!
Why be one of God's underlings?
Come sign and share each joy life brings!
A Princess for a bride! '
'What use are trinkets of this Earth?
Not one has proved eternal worth!
For years I gave each one wide berth,
As each must be denied...'
'Denied? What foolish talk is that?
I'm tempted just to leave you flat!
But since you haven't made me scat,
Perhaps you're pleased I tried...'
'Begone, foul spirit, stay no more!
Begone, I say and close the door!
I live by grace and not by law
And conscience is my guide...'
'So be it, lonely child of grace,
Now old with such a forlorn face,
With none to kiss, none to embrace...
Sleep well, alone... each night...'

Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.

Denis Martindale