Prof Niamat Ali Murtazai - A Lessom From Mud

2014-06-16 6

Why does mud become dark like pitch,
When soil falls in some drain or ditch?
Company of base things makes it so;
Black prevails on things lying low.
But when taken out and spread,
Changes the color of this mud.
A strange effect in sun light
Falling on mud from the sun bright,
Is seen when black turns into livid;
No doubt a wonderous view vivid.
As sun's light can turn black into light,
You can get a lesson very polite.
That when sinful society sullens soul
And Evil prevails as a whole,
The company of good heart is good,
We should live in whose neighbourhood.
His eyes' light will turn black heart hoary
For our bad deeds, we'll feel sorry.
This regret will give us solace
Of Evil we'll not be accomplice.
Good heart's company will make us good
Furniture is made of ugly wood.
Flowers' close touch will make us fragrant
We ourselves will become flower innocent.

Prof Niamat Ali Murtazai