Floy Dy (Floyd) Ra (Floydson) - Museum of Archetype (Homage to C. G. Jung´s symbolism of dreams)

2014-06-16 14

Like our human body
is a whole museum of organs
who all have a long time
of history and development
behind themselves
likewise we can anticipate
that our spirit is
organized in a similar way

The spirit can not exist
without our body and history
just as our spirit
is a product of history

Not meant by history
is the intentional relation
of our spirit in her past
language or cultural tradition
but the biological
prehistoric unconscious
development of the spirit
in the archaic human
psyche who was still
similar to animals psyche

This immeasurable old psyche
constitude and provides the basis for
our spirit likewise our body is
structural based on
the general pattern of the

Like in a museum
the aboriginal pattern
of our soul knows
the analogies between
the fantasy images
of the modern human
and the savage spirit
his collective memory
and his mythological motives

The Archetype expression
is an inherent tendency
unconscious surfacing
like an instinctive tendency
like the impulse to build
a nest by birds or
organized colonies by ants

These impulses are noticed
outside but in the same time
they appear as symbolic pictures
inside - that´s what the Archetype is
not knowing where they come from
but manifest everywhere in the world.

Floy Dy Ra, april/03/2013

Floy Dy (Floyd) Ra (Floydson)
