Joseph Anderson - ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO?

2014-06-16 15

Intended satire

I've been thinking about Heaven
And still hoping to get in;
But I wonder if it's worth it,
Giving up our sex and sin.

Would we stop our drinking, gambling,
Leave our money at the gate,
Mingle with all creeds and colors,
Leaving no one to berate.

And how about the luxury
Of materialistic things;
Our cars, our pets, our boats and such,
Oh! The comfort that each brings.

Now, this is for eternity
And surely we should love it,
But deep within my heart, I feel
Some further need to covet.

All these things keep me thinking, for
They are somewhat provoking,
But I will keep on trying and
I hope God knows I'm joking.

Joseph Anderson