In the dark she silently cries
Slits her wrist because if the lies
Her blood flows, and so does her tears
She's been there for moments but it feels like years
Whenever she smiles, she dies a little inside
She tries to hold her head high and keep her pride
She hides the scars so no one will see
She is in so much pain, but everyone thinks she's happy
Her wounds inside will never heal
Though not physical, they are very real
She loves to cry in the rain
Because no one sees the tears, or the pain
Her self-esteem is terribly low
As her pain would grow and grow
She always cried every night
She's in a war, and losing every fight
Everyone told her she was so cute
She believed none of it was true
She doesnt see all of the wonders of life
All she sees is the shiney silver knife
So one night when she was all alone
And her reflection in the knife shown
She decided to be happy, and for her pain to end
After that day no one ever saw her agian
And everyone still wonders why
She never even said goodbye...
Lil Love Goddess vs. Angel of Death