you by the window in glass
you count the buds of decapitated roses
green- leaved mouth-shut you announce
in little cords the rootless growth
you move the curtains you make the lights approach
the street ones faceless blurred in the shadow
there's a drop-ward victory at your side
like a needle from the blooded embroidery
floatingly fallen into an abyss
ti kraj prozora u stakl
lati što brojiš obezglavljenih ruža
zelenolisna zatvorousna objavljuješ
žilicom zapleten rast bez korjena
pomiceš zavjese primiceš svjetla
ulicna bezlicna sjenkom razlivena
kapljom ti pobjeda
ko s krvavog veza igla u ponore
lelujavo pada
Miroslava Odalovic