In the name of God, you prophecy.
In the name of God you cry.
Down the centuries you've had your say,
And loudly you shout it still today.
In the name of truth, people hear you yearn,
For the peace that from the Lord you'll learn.
But is fear the way to smooth the path?
With coffers full, I hear you laugh.
Come out and stand in your own truth.
Look at yourselves, and raise the roof.
Not to the idols on bended knee,
But for balance and love for Eternity.
It's not in the name of God, I cry.
Come on all humans, open an eye.
Follow the path of truth and sight.
Be blinded only by Universal Light.
Don't be drawn to the ego of men, not God.
Look only at where your own feet have trod.
Don't be afraid to see what is here.
God, Goddess, Eternity, joyous and clear.
No strings attached, no penance to pay,
Walk lightly, shine brightly, the Universe way.
Rosi Caswell