Chris Cariad - Powerless Drug Life

2014-06-16 17

Locked in by this wall
Of addiction and hurt,
Powerless to break free
From this comforting medicated life.
All you wanted
Was to toss aside your problems.
Instead you signed up for a life much worse,
Haunted by your troubles
While struggling with your next overdose.
This wall will continue to get bigger
As time bypasses,
The struggle will only get harder
With every pill you take.
But you insist to continue,
Telling yourself that freedom will be tomorrow
And you'll remove yourself from such sorrows.
But you fall into this pain again
And concoct such a lethal cocktail
That you finally get your way,
Ending the hurt and pain.
Leaving this world
To the next generation
Of beings.
Locked in by the powerless drug life
They thought would set them free.

Chris Cariad