Maurice Harris - The Only Gift

2014-06-16 1

Say not a word, if it be not truth, in whole;
Have not a thought, should you you not this, extol:
That, above all, truth be of paramount importance,
And should never be subjugated to any indulgence
Of selfish endeavor, for even a time, brief-
As same shall surely cause another, grief;
Deceit begets more of same, as a spiral
And causes pain as any form of viral
Cancer may-and it is as real as they may be-
Though, the effects perhaps, only the afflicted may see!
Justice means truth, so deceit is akin to iniquity;
Truth is His Way, and fallacy is not-this simplicity
Is the only rule by which any need, live
A righteous life-the only gift He expects you to give!

-Maurice Harris,11 march 2012

Maurice Harris