Larisa Rzhepishevska - What is love?

2014-06-16 1

What is love?

It's impossible to explain.

What is love?

I think this question will remain.

What is love?

We ask one another.

What is love?

A little child asked his mother.

It's so simple and hard to understand.

It can be so different,

you can't here pretend.

It can be so sweet

with tender meetings,

It can be bitter

with tears and partings.

It can be so different:

like a brightness of the star

being so far.

It can be like an apple-tree

in it's blossom time.

It can be a prison,

it can be a chime.

There are so many words for love.

But... to understand it

you just have TO LOVE.

Larisa Rzhepishevska