Larisa Rzhepishevska - Words, words, words...

2014-06-16 6

I don't know you.

Is it important?

I would like to say: Yes!

Is it possible to love

just for beautiful words?

I would like to say: No!

A real love should grow

like a flower grows

starting with a little care

with enough air and glare.

Words in declaration of love

look like a flirtation

which uses it's imagination,

like a fog or a smoke,

not the sunshine but a sunstroke.

You don't know me.

Do you agree?

It is really funny

to tell the unknown one:

You are my honey.

The shadows in the rainy evenings

can be covered by illusion.

Here I come to the conclusion.

You draw the picture of unstable image

and deliver a speech on a stage.

Your thoughts and dreams

lightened your mind by moonbeams.

So, meanwhile I can give you a smile.

And if I have a chance

I would like to meet your glance

which will tell me more

than thousand words told before.

Larisa Rzhepishevska