Once wrote a poem that was so bad,
Knew it as it set on paper.
I knew right away that it was dead,
No one would read it, even as a favor.
And yet I was wrong as I could be,
It traveled all the world around.
people saw what I didn't see,
They couldn't seem to put it down.
My masterpiece, or so I thought,
Was just pure genius on my part.
I scratched and cried and even fought,
To wrench those words from my own heart.
And yet it's sitting still somewhere,
Out there in cyber space.
Nobody reads it, or much less could care,
So it never gets a passing gaze.
What it all means I just don't know,
Maybe I will someday.
Then I will know why the wind does blow,
And why night follows day.
7/7/13 Alton Texas
Juan Olivarez