I am a smitten and longing individual, lost in the mix.
I wonder how he feels.
I hear his voice everywhere.
I see his shadow on the ground next to me.
I want his lips on mine.
I am a smitten and longing individual, lost in the mix.
I pretend not to love him.
I feel his hand in mine.
I touch his soft skin and melt.
I worry he is just a figment of my imagination.
I cry at the thought of losing him.
I am a smitten and longing individual, lost in the mix.
I understand the chances are small.
I say I believe in love, although I have my doubts.
I dream of him holding me in his arms.
I try to hide my feelings for him.
I hope we are together someday.
I am a smitten and longing individual, lost in the mix.
Felicity Slaughter