Remember how I use to be, Cogs?
Scared, sad, alone.
I'm not like that anymore, I'm strong.
I've learned I'm not perfect and
I wish I could take back so many things
That I said that scared you.
But I want to let you know,
I wanted to change,
I wanted to be who I was
Before all this pain.
That reason;
You kept me strong Colleen
And all those things I said to you
That made you cry or feel helpless
Keep me up at night, wishing
I could take it all back.
I found a reason to change,
A reason to start over.
And you were that reason.
You were that reason that kept me strong
To show, not only myself, but you as well
Who I really was before this dark time.
And if tomorrow be the last day we speak,
At least you know
You changed my life.
Kailee Falvo