Gautam Sen - Vision of Life

2014-06-16 31

Words from heart when come out
with the plumage of colours of my mind,
I find it easy to vent out thoughts -
my hidden treasure earned from life.
Time passed by added to my age
is a priceless possession for me,
a testimonial of happenings
witnessed from time to time -
a huge thesaurus of life.

Values and virtues preserved since long
now face strong challenges sometimes;
force me think that things going on around me
whether right or wrong?
But answers do appear too and I bear in mind -
who am I to think of it; who am I to judge?
To trudge along the winding path of journey
is my only duty, the rest is Almighty's job.

I keep my doors open for all,
for friends who like do stay with me -
while others who find it odd do flee;
in the labyrinth of life, amidst all strife
I keep searching for my oasis of joy.
Plights often come to dropp my flight,
but blessed I am to keep flying on
to reach my destiny happily.

Gautam Sen