The official British Government ban
on disgraced radical intolerant pastor
Terry Jones is appropriate justified.
A burn a Koran day campaign is wrong.
How would this ignorant pastor react
if Muslims burned Bibles in retaliation?
Is it not written thou shalt not judge?
Has Jones not heard of love thy neighbour?
Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers.
Burning religious books is not sowing peace.
If your neighbour slaps you turn the other cheek.
Jesus did not say slap your neighbour’s cheek.
Did Jones not learn after book burning Hitler?
Burning books Holy books leads to burning cities.
Be not like fool Jones cast not the first stone.
No true Christian or Muslim chews a hate bone.
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)