Pranab K. Chakraborty - Track Of Loneliness

2014-06-16 3

silence plays no pleasing ride
not chaos
a lonely track of befusing
to its last breath
runs simply to make its ruin

man means money
if society you follow
the charm to chariot
meaningless to put its meaning
beyond these the busy track
locates you with definite arrow

day seeks hide
to nights apron
night flows
as stream follows unknown source
the silent origin

but to me
wind blows high
the depth of departing clock
ticks no talk
since its ultimate lock
deadly exists to stupidity
encircled orbit of life and death

lower much lower the templing shadow
the tomb looks high to touch
that sovereign savor
creates or createless
static tranquil

silence plays no good
no chaos plays the evil
the shadow and snobbery
high the hell dreaming the heavn of beauty
man means money
whether alive or dead
dip or drop
saint or salient
the track of loneliness
follows you
to its extreme....

Pranab k c

Pranab K. Chakraborty