Pranab K. Chakraborty - RAIN! It's Reining

2014-06-16 1

drops dazzling my drapery
whole sky orchestring your chariot
riverside sand perfumes longnecked furrows
no mountain my surroundings as far gaze grazing
feeding up quiet the chaos of dropping ceaseless fathoms
thwarting our profound monestry, massacars and masons
flagging marvelous lucracy the human beheaded with its heart-throb

drops swap all high-level diplomacy to vindict vagary
nails from the coffins decoffined its tenure to keep its oath
strangling stagnation of deads the soul sermons fly to flow
decomposed emancipitation pugnating the surface of liquid soil
everywhere the song of no charm, sound of no ambiguity
processing the procession of saturation...rain..rain...
dropping from divine to devastation flooding and thundering
sliding with reciprocate rejuvenation

sky orchestring the gravitas chariot
spectacled eyes dancing with embedded fashion
the burdens of images as far it could bear
nowhere the parapet
nowhere to descend the flowering divan
only the lonely fire aflamed ever within
within whom you never find by glittering sleeve slitting!

Pranab K. Chakraborty