Colombia: Santos reelected, tells rebels it's time for peace

2014-06-16 17

After decades of war, perhaps it was his promises of peace talks that won Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos a second term.

After one of the tightest presidential run-off in decades, Santos is back.

During his election campaign he made hopes of peace his key selling point.

“Today’s message is also for the FARC and ELN and the message is clear, this is the end of more than fifty years of violence in our country,” said the centre-right president surrounded by his family.

ELN, the National Liberation Army, is the country’s second-largest rebel group.

Last week, Santos revealed that preliminary talks had begun with ELN (National Liberation Army), the country’s second-largest rebel group.

He said on Sunday that the Colombian people were now insisting on peace, but recognised that achieving peace will not be easy.

The government is already engaged in negotiations with FARC, (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) rebels to end a conflict that has killed over 200,000 people and di