Wondering why im still where I started
complaining about the hard things
felling to see its only challenging me
but its getting so plain
to go over the same things
but as I go over it again
It seem to get easy for friends
But yet I’m not comprehending
Its not that I’m slow
or can’t catch on
Then there those things
I know I should let go
But yet I won’t
I sit wondering why I can’t
Get where I need to be
But thing its
In order to get where you need to be
Some things you must let go see
or things will never progress
stop running to mess
that is really what slows you being bless
Stop say what you can’t do
Don’t think of hard as a bad thing
Hard is really a challenge to fulfill your dream
So what things happen over and over
that is only because you let it be
By not letting go of those childish things
understand things don’t come easy
Please believe me
Only way you can get to where you
Need to be is to mature
Don’t sit around criticism
Don’t sit around mess
Because that rubs off on you
And stop you from getting to your blessing
Because I truly have big dreams
I want to go places
Not sit here over and over
With the same
Negative things keeping me bond
positive things will help you be found
Just don’t what god sent you to do
And see how you progress
Its you time to be bless
Not stress over and over
briangela jones