Her colour is an object of her uniqueness
She flaunts it with style; it radiates even in darkness
Her beauty, Her elegance, Her pride, Her essence
She's black
A victim of slavery, abuse and misuse
She's fought Her way to liberty right through
Defying Her oppressors; she survived the bruise
She's bold
E'en in the land of her abduction She's stood her grounds
She's broken the chains and cast the spells out
Her sons and daughters on high places stand now
She's brave
Her wealth; the antecedents of her afflictions, objects of contention
Hidden beneath Her soil, fought for in far away lands and distant shores
Her gold, her oil, her diamonds; stolen yet abundant in large tons
She's blessed
From the intricate magnificence of Her terrain, its wonders and serenity
To the untold exquisiteness of Her culture, Her heritage and identity
Her people, Her charm, Her glory; the incredibility;
She's beautiful
She's me, She's you, She's us
She's mine, She's yours, She's ours
She's Africa, Proudly Africa
Stewart Gideon