Allison Unknown - Deep Breaths

2014-06-16 2

I can't see
Running through the trees
At night
Running so fast
Must run faster
Go to the left
Go to the right
Watch out for that tree ahead
Breathing so hard
Deep breaths
Must relax muscles
I stop to catch my breath
I dont know how far I got
Away from you
You yell my name
It sounds like a whisper
I know you must be getting closer
But Im so tired
I have to go on
I force myself to go on
Go now
I start to walk
I hear things around me
I start to jog
There are footsteps behind me
I start to run
Faster Faster Faster
Im going so fast
I dont know whats ahead
I jump off a cliff
And fall
I dont know how long
Ive been falling
But I hit water
I cant breathe
Im about to drown
I reach the surface
Deep breath
I swim
To the next shore
I get up
And start to run
I find the road
Waiting for a car
I see headlights up ahead
The car keeps coming
And doesnt slow down
I get out of the way
And look to where the car was heading
I notice that its stopped
I walk to the car
And look inside
Its you
And you have a gun
You raise it at me
Deep breath
Which will be my last
And then all I see
Is white gun blasts

Allison Unknown