Once creator created a colourful garden,
Far away from fantabulous heaven.
Bestowed his blessings and bountiful beauty,
Such is the great God’s glorified bounty.
Creatures are cordially created to love and live,
He is the wretched, one who does not believe.
Men were given the highest position,
Because God had some very good intention..
People are busy with quarreling day and night,
Forgetting the very ethics of wrong and right.
All are busy with how to earn money,
The way bees are busy with collecting honey.
Pride and envy are the order of the day,
No one accepts what the great scriptures say.
Mercy and kindness nowhere found,
Callous men are stamping ground.
Some are highborn some are low,
Every one wants to show one’s glow.
All are selfish heart and soul,
What should not be the good man’s goal?
shakil ahmed