As i'm taken to meet thee one day
Without any prior permission
Minds will drown that's when I may
But not into my stupidity ocean
When secrets in hearts stay long
Anon to be gone to a forlorn aura
When thou art in an anguish
And thine ark is afraid of thee
Silence shalt be the language
For the sails to sing for the sea
I'm in love with my insaneness
A lonely beggar craven heart
I wish I could have no farewell to thee
If I am thy soothing burthens,
Thou shall be the death of my cantons
And if death hath woven my shroud
Wickedness wilt be the master of passions
Where waters of one choice
Dwell those haunted spirits moe
When I discern thy voice
Come down to me, poppet
When thine ark will punish
Thy shivering lonely puppet
I will always be the same
But needless to know thy name
Down with my fie I shall not see thee
Now I wish to pray thee
Approach me to have my delight
Ere mine ark meets the sea
Through all of these dying unwritten lines
Lonely shore, no remorse, but a wan wench
Methink it's the cunning way to treat a wish
October 10 at 5: 13am
Mohammed Hassan (Piracy In The Mediterranean)