I opened my eyes with a sensation
of a feather’s lightness
surrounded by a green world,
I tried to make sense of it all
voices in my head encouraging
me to relax, to partake with
the peace I was feeling inside
a sudden thrust upwards and
a crisp breeze passed me by
I couldn´t explain when or why
but I found myself in a fearless
How’s this possible, where am I?
“spread away your wings and get
ready for the ride”
I did as I was told, and in the blink
of an eye, I was plunging steady
towards a deep blue pool of light
cool sprinkles of water showered
my face far and nigh and in a
sound of a guitar’s string I was
heading towards the vast
cerulean sky
I descended again in rapid circles
earthbound, scanning a wide spread
color-dotted piece of land
and then I was before a mediterranean
sight, mingling among ancient memories
of a long gone time, sitting on the ruins
of a magnificent past...
“this is what freedom is all about, kindred
spirit of mine, you’ve felt it and seen it
through a sparrow´s eyes, remember the
lesson when you return to your own tribe”
Copyright ©Mystique®2007
Copyright ©Alberto J. Alvarez G.® 2006
Mystique 2009