I am lonely and I am scared
I wonder if I'll live
I hear bells ringing
I see colors of white
I am lonely and I am scared
I pretend to fly
I feel something inside
I touch the sky
I worry about the future
I am lonely and I am scared
I understand that I'll die trying
I say what I believe
I dream of love
I hope of flying
I am lonely and scared
I wish I could change
I think about life
I hope of flying
I cry for the world
I fear the darkness inside
I am lonely and I am scared
I understand the consequences
I thought of you
I pretend you were here
Now the darkness is near
I am lonely and I am scared
I wonder if life will ever change
I think about you
The darkness is getting closer
The time is near
I wish I could change the world
I am lonely and I am scared
I can die trying to change
but I can't do this alone
The darkness is getting stronger
I need your support, I need your help
I am lonely and I am scared
I wish for love in our hearts
and for peace on Earth
Nothing matters now
until the darkness fades
until it is gone
I am lonely and I am scared
No movement
Nothing is happening
Everything is quiet
everything is calm
I am lonely and I am scared
Bright light
covers everything
the darkness is dying
we are together
forever we will stand
I am nolonger lonely and I am nolonger scared
Prince ....