Kimberly Lindsey - Do I choose...?

2014-06-16 2

I am afraid.
I am happy.
I am sad and alone.

I have a choice to make,
And it is not just my own.
I want to make the right decision,
Lest I destroy a life.

I ask God to guide me,
Choose to whom, I will be a wife.
The choice is so fragile,
For hearts can be shattered.

I love one with my entire being,
And the other, with my mind and heart.

One is safe.
The other is passion.
One is stability.
The other uncertain.

My love for one is all encompassing.
My love for the other, warm and fun.

One man is all I ever wanted.
The other, I would settle for.

How do I choose?
I do not know….

Do I choose love, passion and stability?
Or do I choose uncertainty, laughter, and fun?

Do I choose the one, who has hurt me?
Or do I choose one, who I have hurt in return?

Do I choose, at all?
Is it even my choice to make?

Heavenly father, please help me
Do I choose one, or do I choose none?

Kimberly Lindsey