not here not now
not ready not the way
to do that
convinced that you are (what... is that?)
making fear into
real monsters
rhetorical questions waiting to draw out
answers and grasping tightly
to the quiet your waiting breaks
the hurting
excusing for
try to flip what is going
to fit
slipping fingers
stubborn struggle
holding on to let go
of it
no talk
know love
makes fears from
work done
blames information
can't hear
(the music/talking all around)
inverting above confusion
complicating suspension now
mystified by definition
pages of dust
lead on paper
for concealment
more on fragile paper
penciled in
consciousness expanded
but made narrow
for their wind
piercing the forgiving heart
the whole process
for more to say
layers looked like
veils become shackles
a joke
a gag, wise cracks
but still restricts
dynamic inertia
it's already stopped
and i've fallen off
still flying
with the concept
of a view shaping
what is empty
another defining what
a friend is not
as light floods it again
Thomas Quentin Sims