Lee B. Mack - Wines Of Love: (Original 06 30 2007)

2014-06-16 10

To fringed and tassel end apron string
to the rule of nature’s bag of waters
per chance to chance the greeting
teats extend to attend the child at play
beg the touch of gifts of meeting under
the somber feel of unassailable affairs
shut down under adrenalin’s sway down
under the slain but not turned away
from wines of love
oil spread anoints controversy how
faithful love for love… grant to take
custody under principal ceilings hung
under the brush of sound under the
billow of skies against the sea under
arches and pillows that shield the light
from love’s poverty that rule of law
dispense suspend all that divides
from thee the wine of love
drink to gather to sleep within
the lengths and under the slain
under the prisoners of adrenalin repel
the flow of issues rule of law dispel
suspending conscious dreams above
spirit grinds to a peace to indulge
and host the drink that boast of
wines of love
ah! the drink of this is fire
to hunger more for more…for collar
and sleeve cuff for heavy starched belief
in the press toward the goal embraced
the hand held out to intercept
the forward pass trip to clown but fall
to ground to fail the tasteful desire
for wines of love.

Lee B. Mack
