The devil had a hold of me,
He lured me into drugs you see.
Sent me into flight, and then into the fight of my life,
For to be drug free I did strive.
Trying to hide from the guilt,
All the things I was trying to escape, were only stronger felt.
As I trembled and cried,
I still could not break that tie.
So many days I wished I was dead,
But managed to push forward instead.
The mind games and confussion that arose,
And feeling bad from my head to my toes.
A life that is no life at all,
But in, so bad feared I never again could stand tall.
Help me, help me deep inside I cried,
As over and over again to clean I tried.
If at first you do not suceed,
Please try, and try again I plead.
Look for the things in life you thought were so bad,
And think of all the things you once had.
After all those mornings you wake up blue,
If you live through it, you finally will wake up hateing that drug and not you! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Kimberly McCreary